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Really great so far but the coin sorting game is a tedious pain in the butt and I started wishing immediately that there was some way to skip it. Please remove it or make it skippable?

Other than that keep up the great work!


Looks promising if the sissyfication can be avoided.
There are some errors/issues
For one the swordsmanship training issue which has been reported before:
"Error: <<include>>: passage "Wymerus Lessons 5" does not exist"
And the fact that even when you lie and say you have nothing to confess when you do your virtue gets increased. I'm finding it impossible to raise my depravity.

(1 edit) (+2)

You have to confess all ur sin first, and till theres only one choice left which is the "say you have nothing to confess", Dominic reaction will be different, he said that ur corrupted and a sinner, which make ur depravity increased. (Just a reminder, u don't need to choose all of them, just confess ur sin and u get to increase ur depravity.)


Is it possible to stay male through the game?


I certainly hope so. Though the transformation path  that doesn't lead to sissyfication and feminisation is currently not developed.

I've been trying to just upgrade my stats, but gameplay does seem rather limited then.


As soon as I try to launch the game from the Itch app, I get the error "Error [StoryInit]: cannot execute macro <<character>>: Object.hasOwn is not a function." The rest of the game is similarily full of errors, and they all revolve around Object.hasOwn not existing or macros not existing. It does seem that if I download it and run it not from the Itch app I have no issues. Don't know how to fix this, but figured I should let you know. I am on Windows 10 if that helps.

Is there gonna an Android for me to play in the near future? I'm really curious what's the game all about. 

U can use joiplay

(2 edits)

Ooh Thank you! 


Before anything I need to address a small issue (since I'm an Android user ,obviously touchscreen). That would be; 

1. An Error on the Training Scene of Casper with that other knight (i don't remember his name sorry about that) Update, it's seem only file 4,5 and 6 that has an error. 


2. Would be the mini game to increase the intelligence. It doesn't show how to do it. Besides that, getting the coins move is SO ANNOYING!! I have to click on the sides of the coins to move it. (Either that or I just didn't pay attention. Sorry in advance if it is.)

But Overall I really enjoying it. I'm having fun just interacting with Orson and other characters. I hope you make more of the dominant choices on Morgana and any other characters. So I'll look forward to the future updates.

1. Personally i never encounter that error...? I have been repeating it and never found the error.

2. Yea it was quite annoying but the minigames is like a billiard, you can get one coin closer to another coin to make them move and bounce

Pretty amazing so far! Appreciate the furry option. Can't wait for more!

Great game! Im looking forward to the next update! I just really hope you add the option to stop the transformation midway through so you can remain feminine instead of actually becoming a girl.

It is clear that this game has had lots of love put into it. I loved what I played and look forward to future updates :)


here got another one:

You grab a wooden sparring sword and take your place opposite to Caspar.

this happens "Error: <<include>>: passage "Wymerus Lessons 5" does not exist"


tried this and this happen "

The confession booth is a small and cramped wooden box. It has a wooden lattice between you and where the priest sits. 

this came up Error: the passage "Sin fingered" does not exist


Looks promising.  :)  I hope the masc paths continue to be developed as well as the fem paths.

I hope for the development of this game. I will keep an eye on it.


Several errors occur when practicing sword fighting, during confession in church, etc.


I rather enjoyed this.  I was only disappointed that the very first guard that paid you the compliment then leered at you after (submissive choice) wasn't revisited. ;)


This is really good. It's polished, the writing is nice, and I like the idea of multiple artstyle choices. Maybe in the future there can be support for user defined art. There's clear effort behind this. Looking forward to future updates!


good game so far, though I think it would be interesting for there to be a power bottom path